… And Donkeys for All.

Our Story

With humility we acknowledge that we are part of an ecosystem and we are all together on this pale blue dot.

This we believe!

Life is better with donkeys.

Specialization is for insects.

Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.

Aim to solve interesting problems.

Dream big. Even if you fail, you accomplish something grand.

One is none; two is one; three is a guarantee.

There are seasons in life. Ride the wave.

Learn by doing. Stay foolish. Books help.

Work like no one else so we can live like no one else.

We can wait, we can think, and we can fast.

There are black swans. Always be prepared.

There are white swans. Make good decisions.

Live in nature. Quality, not quantity.

Do more good. Begin where you are.

There is.

A smell.

Few people know it well, and even fewer truly love it.

The donkey smell.

Welcome to Magaria.

Let’s get real or let’s not play


Is this another story about someone using animals?

Yes, it’s a story. Yes, it is with animals. 

No, abuse towards animals is not tolerated here.

What’s bad about it?

It’s a struggle.

What would happen to them when hardships come, and it will come, even in the form of death?  

We don’t know.